Thursday, July 24, 2008


Who should have been responsible?


Eki said...

Kelihatannya ini di gerbang kampus ITB ya Guntur?

T said...

Hehee, iya bang..:) Lumayan lah, kebetulan lewat kmaren..hehe!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Tis is a very powerful image and question, and society as a whole is to blame.

Unknown said...

Very good shot!... but i agree with babooshka!!! Shame on us all...

Greetings from Lisbon.

T said...

Thanks for the comments. Yes, social issues are inevitable in a developed country like Indonesia. We have the law stating the homeless and orphans are protected by the country; but in most cases we just couldn't do anything more than seeing them as the 'all time neglected people'. Still hoping for something better in the future tho.

Eki said...
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Dina said...

great shots you have!!